Terms and Conditions & Privacy Statement

1. Introduction & Definitions

We've written this document to be easy-to-read and to-the-point, helping to effectively communicate the terms, conditions and privacy statement in clear language for all to understand and follow - please do spend a few moments to read and understand this document.

These are a few words used in this document that may need clarifying; “System” to refer to the website, software application, feature or process of service delivery. We may refer to the customer, trainee or any other real person using the “System” as “User”, a "customer" is a "user" who orders or purchases "services" for them-self or on behalf of an organisation. “External System” refers to any systems intended for public access over the world wide web, and “Internal Systems” refers to systems which are intended for prior authorised “Users” (e.g. logged in). “License” can refer to the “Users” access to service and content of the “System”. “Support Ticket” may refer to our support service for providing, using and monitoring the "System". “Developer” may refer to the “System” creator, designers or maintainers. We may refer to any person or software using the “External System” facilities as “Visitors”. “Account Manager” can refer to a “User” who has permission to process data of any "users" within their account. "Partner" or "Professional Partner" is a "user" with special permissions to help provide the "service", "service" can refer to providing training or providing the management of training, "Dashboard" is the main page you see once logged in, "technical support" is the help we provide for using the "service and "system" via "support tickets".

If you need any help or have any questions our "contact page" is located here; contact page.

2. Privacy Statement

We highly value data privacy and have always prioritised the protection of personal data. We only use the minimum personal information needed to provide the "Service" and "user" support in all scenarios and systems, which are always protected with security procedures and access management. Links to our partners and any further useful information and details are shown where relevant, however if you have any further questions or wish to request 'to be forgotten' (deleted from our "systems"), exported for data portability or to withdraw your consent (agreeing to this document and our linked documents) at any-time please send a "support ticket" from the Contact page.

"User" Personal Data: this information is provided by the "User" them-self after login (or by the "Users" "Account Manager" when setting up the trainees account) can be seen and edited freely on the "Users" profile via the "Dashboard" (excluding IP address). Personal information may contain data such as, but not limited to; IP address, email address, name, contact number etc for identifying, logging, validating who has completed or attempted training courses and contacting to provide "technical support".

"Customer" Personal Information: if the "User" is also the person purchasing or ordering services for them-self, or on behalf of an organisation, we also process personal data regarding the transaction/order for other systems such as accountancy & payment software, sales & customer relationship management software and the professional partner network of providers.

In specific circumstances we may use personal information and "system" logs to validate the authenticity of certificates to third parties on behalf of the "user", and as we take our "users" personal data privacy seriously, we will only confirm the authenticity of a certificate (proof of course completion) to third parties such as; employers, membership organisations and other directly interested parties, if the third party can reasonably prove their direct interest with reason to know the authenticity of a certificate, and presenting the "Users" original PDF certificate or providing the secure information that can only be obtained from the original certificate of completion, such as; the "users" full-name, date of completion, course in question and the unique certificate ID number (Certificate ID is not applicable for certificates prior to 2016-07-05 [ISO 8601]).

The professional partners help to provide the "service" by controlling or processing personal data for the express use of providing the "service". We only work with partners who have agreed to follow (or exceed) required security and data protection security measures and all access and use of personal information is logged and access regulated. All partners and users have agreed to protect and secure the "users" personal data, the "users" processing personal data are trusted and approved and referred to as "Professional Partner" "Users" who also have their personal information stored within the system for the purpose of providing the "service".

hozzamedia Ltd can be considered the 'data controller' as they provide the "system" software (learning management system software) and technical infrastructure (such as servers, database, domains etc) it controls what minimal data should be collected and how it should be used by the 'data processors' from the "professional partner" network, please review the hozzamedia privacy policy here for protecting your personal data (including disclosure of service providers who protect your data privacy), IBIS Solutions Ltd are the health and safety training specialists who provide the courses, top-level system management and top-level "technical support" management, and as such can be considered 'data processors' who are bound to the same level of personal data protection. along with IBIS, ESP who are trusted professional partners and can be considered 'data processors' to help provide the "service" via their network.

Trusted professional partners who help to provide the "service" may also use the following additional services to process personal data (generally limited to "customer" personal data relating to purchases and transactions) within the United Kingdom; BaseCRM, PayPal, Xero and social media services for communication and interactions such as Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook, Hootsuite and Google Tools (incl. but not limited to Google Analytics, Google Tag Manager, Google AdWords) etc.

3. Terms of Use

Violation of these conditions or any other fraudulent activity, including but not limited to; falsifying personal information, falsifying a “Users” course completion record, ’hacking’, manipulation, fraud of “System” records, disruptions to “System” services or connectivity etc. in any way other than intended by the “Developers” is unacceptable and can result in an instant automatic or manual “User”, “Visitor”, IP and/or account deactivation, blocking, termination and appropriate legal action. Account blocking/termination mistakenly actioned can only be undone pending detailed review by a “Developer”.

Any person in breach of these terms will be legally and may be personally responsible for their actions.

3.1. Users of the system are not permitted to login as any other username other than their own for any reason. If you are an “Account Manager” and need to access a users account information, you can find the information via "View Users" or "Dashboard”. If you become aware of another person accessing your account using your login details, you must notify the "support Team" immediately with a "Support Ticket" via your "Dashboard" or the "Contact page".

3.3. “System” content, advertising, marketing, text and media, designs etc, cannot be used outside of the “System” in any scenario without express consent from the “Developers”.

3.3. Only one person may view the online training content per license. ‘Sharing’ or public/private presentations of licenses or course content is not permitted.

3.4. All “Users” personal information must be up-to-date and correct. This includes the ’Users’ email address, which must only be accessible by the named user in question, i.e. a personal, private email account. As we may use this address for communicating personal information about the “Users” account and/or validating the “Users” authenticity.

3.5. Unauthorised automation, software or otherwise, is not allowed without express permission from “Developers”.

3.6. Deliberately, or otherwise, hindering the use of the “System” for any other “User” or “Developer” may result in blocking, deactivation without refund or notice.

3.7. “Users” accessing “System” services (including but not limited to; course/training content) must read and fully understand the material before continuing to the end of the training. Help is always provided via the “Support Ticket” facility.

3.8. Learning Verification systems such as but not limited to; Quiz Questions and Workbooks, must not be mislead or falsified. Any answers or information the “User” provides must be direct answers and opinions of the ”User” using the “System”. Various data and logging methods are used to monitor a “Users” authentic learning verification, such as but not limited to; time taken to complete training content, serving logs and other methods within this document.

3.9. Detailed activity logs of “Users” and “Visitors” are stored to provide the "service" and to help validate training completion certification at later dates, log data including but not limited to; Internet Protocol address, time of connection, and other web-server logging information such as standard browser cookies, we also collect detailed records of all actions “Users” make on the system to allow us to effectively support, audit and detect fraud of the “System”, duration of activity, any “Users” affected by another “Users” actions and any suspicious activity including potentially fraudulent behaviour.

3.10. Data including but not limited to; records and certification, are only valid if the “System” confirms the information legitimately. Legitimate confirmation of data is under the complete discretion of the “Developers”. Any fraudulent or other behaviour not permitted or intended by the “Developers”, even if not expressly specified in this document, can result in record termination, certification invalidation and data invalidation.

3.11. "Users" must be 16 years or older to agree to these terms and use this "system".

4. Licenses & Renewals

A licence for a named course can be assigned to one named real person, referred to as the "User". (i.e. one licence for a named course assigned to a named user = 1 named user's access to the course and, once a valid completion has been recorded, a certificate and completion record). Licences are not transferable. New licences are valid for one year from date of first access and the named user can view this course as many times as necessary throughout the year. Upon license expiry, licences may be renewed for a subsequent one year. Licence renewal is optional.

5. Payment & Service Implementation

Course access and any other services will be actioned upon receipt of payment. Prices displayed in the price list exclude local taxes (e.g. VAT). The customer can request a refund or another course of equal value as replacement within fourteen days of purchase, however once the service has been actioned, a certificate has been produced, no refunds or cancellations can be actioned under normal circumstances. Normal circumstances are at the discretion of the “Developers”.

6. Competence

One of the key elements to be considered during the selection of a health & safety training provider, must be an Assessment of Competence. Health & Safety training must be suitable for the tasks and be provided from a competent source. See our competence statement article for further information about competence and qualification.

Further Information

This document maybe updated throughout your use of the “System”, please regularly check this document for minor changes, and larger changes will require re-acceptance to continue using the "system". You can contact us through the "Support Tickets" on your Dashboard or the “Contact” page if you require assistance or further information.