ESP Training

Health & Safety Awareness For Schools Course

Health & Safety Awareness For Schools

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This Health & Safety Awareness For Schools Course learning outcomes include; Education specific safety; Preventing Radicalisation, SEN Assessments, lone working and anti-social behaviour including school trips, emergency plans, as well as the core principles such as computer workstation safety (DSE), manual handling and fire safety.
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Level 2
Award Winning Author

Key-points of ESP Training


£48 for Teams and Individuals

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Organisations, Groups and Businesses training 25 or more people with this course pay £35 per person.

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“It was exactly what we were looking for, course content was excellent and covered everything we required. Easy to use and well designed.”
- Pete Evens, Site Manager at Sawtry College (Cambridge Meridian Academies Trust) -
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Health & Safety Awareness For Schools Course Menu
Showing 10 of the 41 included eLearning lessons in this course. The whole course takes on average 2 hours, 27 minutes

A prelude and opening statements of the core subject material.

Understand computer workstation safety (aka DSE), the appropriate positioning of workstations and how to correct or adapt work chairs to improve an "ergonomic posture".

Understand the principles of driver safety within the education environment with specific relevance to pupils (e.g. a school minibus).

Understand the types of hazardous substances that may be found in the workplace, and their potential impacts upon health. Also provides an understanding about the types of hazard warning symbols and their meaning.

Learn to help children and students experience a wide range of events and activities safely, rather than discouraging such events on the basis of health and safety. Emphasising common sense approaches and procedures which are proportionate to the risks.

Learn about school specific risk management circumstances such as travel accommodation, medical vulnerabilities and adventure activities, emphasising proportionate risk management and common sense approaches.

Learn about and understand the surprisingly common hazards associated with home or remote working environments.

Understand how regular inspections in schools and education environments are carried out to identify hazards (i.e. something with the potential for harm).

Learn about the manual handling and movement of inanimate objects in the working environment and the techniques to use such as L.I.T.E.

Understand how to avoid and control the cumulative effects of harmful levels of noise and where they might occur in the workplace.

Learn about PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) including safety helmets (i.e. hard hats), hearing protection, eye protection, hand protection, protective footwear, masks, respirators, clothing and overalls.

Understand what working at height within the work environment actually means with examples to demonstrate suitable types of equipment and good practice.

Understand how to deal with anti-social behaviour using de-escalation techniques and reporting.

Understand the different levels of Disclosure and Barring Service (known as DBS Checks, formally CRB checks) and their relevance to the education environment as well as Regulated Activity and Supervised activity including illustrative examples.

Understand the warning signs of how vulnerable people may be exploited, radicalised, and potentially drawn into terrorism. Safeguarding personnel and management teams within an organisation should understand how the Prevent Duty focuses on the protection of vulnerable people rather than the reporting of potential terrorists.

Understand school emergency management, how various types of emergency should be considered and how this can give the school community confidence when faced with a crisis.

Understand actions following incidents in the education environment, identify immediate actions for incidents occurring during and outside of school hours and how to handle media.

Understand the safe systems of work for colleagues who work by themselves or without close or direct supervision and the precautions to be taken where personal safety is a concern within the workplace.

Learn about SEN (Special Educational Needs) and which considerations should be given around SEN students within the educational environment.

Understand epilepsy and how to handle it on a day-to-day basis by raising awareness of seizures and how to recognise them.

Understanding accidents, incidents, near miss events and the legal reporting requirements of RIDDOR (Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations).

Familiarisation with key principles of the 3 types of asbestos, Chrysotile (White), Crocidolite (Blue), Amosite (Brown) and the harm it can do, why buildings have asbestos and how is it managed.

Understand why colleagues under the influence of alcohol or drugs are not permitted to undertake work on the employers' behalf and learn about support options.

Understand the key principles of fire safety and how workplace fires can cause significant harm before reaching you. Learn about good housekeeping practices and other emergencies such as bomb threat and how they should be addressed in an emergency plan.

Understand the importance of informing colleagues of who their First Aider is and that medication such as pain relief is not to be administered during first aid. This module does not replace First Aid training.

Understand the identification, reporting and effective management of harassment and bullying instances at work.

Understand where to find sources of information about health and safety practices and safety policy within the educational environment.

Understand legionnaires disease and the potential harmful impacts associated with the management of water systems in workplaces. Learn the sources of exposure for every-day workers, the effects on health, and how to control them.

Learn about an employers legal duty to protect pregnant women and their unborn children from any work-related risks and understand the elements to be considered within a risk assessment that might affect women who are pregnant, breast feeding or have given birth within the past six months.

Understand the benefits of actively communicating occupational health issues to line managers.

Understand the dangers of disabling or bypassing safety features and safeguards on electrical equipment.

Understand why portable or moveable equipment may suffer additional wear, potentially causing harm to workers, we describe the factors which might contribute to this and actions to be taken by day-to-day workers and also by management such as user checks, formal visual examinations, and formal inspections/tests.

Understand the basics of the The 5 Steps to Risk Assessment concept to follow the guidance of Risk Assessors.

Learn about the different types of safety signs, such as; mandatory, prohibition, warning, safe condition and how to recognise them.

Understand the importance of reporting potential causes of slips, trips and falls within the education environment.

Learn about the management of visitors within premises and in the cases of an emergency.

Understand the different types of work equipment machine guards including; Fixed, Adjustable, Automatic and Interlocking. Learn about Emergency Stop, Trip and Two Handed control devices and the types of harm that can occur if they are removed or tampered with.

Learn about negative stress, positive stress and pressure along with it's various sources and how they can be work or home related. Understand how to recognise the symptoms and which actions can achieve a healthy work/life balance.

Understand that young persons should be considered within risk assessments for events or activities within the workplace.

Understand infection control, handling, disposal and actions to be taken in the discovery of needlesticks or syringes used for drugs.

All trainees receive a globally recognized & subject informative Certificate of Completion as proof of successfully completing the training. Certificates are permanently stored in your account, always accessible online, and downloadable in PDF format too.

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About this course
Level 2
Award Winning Author
Health & Safety Awareness For Schools Course

This online course includes all of the 41 lessons above. It is designed to develop the trainees Health & Safety Awareness For Schools skills for health and safety compliance in the workplace, providing valuable real-world learning outcomes at a high speed. It's used by individuals, groups and businesses to train their workforce across industries including Education & Schools, among others.

Provided by ESP Training based in Kent, it's accessible at anytime online from an internet connected device at work or home, such as a computer, tablet or smart phone. Teams have access to a highly rated LMS and all successfully completing trainees achieve a Certificate of Completion.

ESP Training

Health & Safety Awareness For Schools eLearning

Provides a detailed grounding for those working in the Education environment, including schools, colleges, universities etc. focusing on those industry specific issues such as school trips, school emergency plans, SEN Assessments, epilepsy, lone working & anti-social behaviour as well as the basic principles such as workstation safety (DSE), manual handling and fire safety. An element of Preventing Radicalisation (The Prevent Duty) is included within the Health & safety Awareness for Schools course.

School trips have long since been a controversial subject, this health and safety induction course reassures teachers and other school staff that children should be able to experience a wide range of activities. Health and safety measures should help them to do this safely, not stop them. It is important that children learn to understand and manage the risks that are a normal part of life. Commonsense should be used in assessing and managing the risks of any activity. Health and safety procedures should always be proportionate to the risks of an activity.

This course also touches on The Prevent Duty, raising awareness of the concept amongst staff. A more detailed coverage of Preventing Radicalisation is included within the course: Safeguarding for Schools

Course Tags: university, school trip, SEN, SENCO, Emergency Planning, CRB, Criminal Records Bureau, health and safety, dbs, teacher, college, student, board of governors, governor, ofsted, prevent, level 2, award,

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